How can I Set Exam in GPA?

To set an exam in GPA follow the steps: Got to Academics, click Exams, and select GPA In GPA, set…

7 years ago

How can a Teacher Enter Mark for the Students (GPA)?

To enter marks (GPA) for students follow the steps: From teacher’s login, a teacher can enter marks for students (if…

7 years ago

How can I View the Student Performance in Web School?

Web School allows one to view the students’ performance in the form of graph. To view the student performance in…

7 years ago

How can I Issue Inventory in Web School?

Web School has a Store management module that allows you to issue inventory items and refund the issued items. Go…

7 years ago

How can I Manage Inventory in Web School?

Web-school has a Store management module where you can manage all the inventories of the school. In Store Management module…

7 years ago

How does the Visitor Settings Work in Web School?

Visitor SMS settings The admin assigns a phone number for each recipient (teacher, principal etc.) so whenever a visitor comes…

7 years ago

How does the “SMS settings” Works in Web School?

In SMS settings, one can sent message to the selected recipient. The recipient will get the SMS when for example,…

7 years ago